Facebook Ads Campaign Structure.

4 min readJun 8, 2021


What you need to know as a business!

Facebook Ads is one of the most successful solution The Facebook Company has invented to help online business owners like yourself and myself reach our goals on the platform.

I must say on a personal level that this is the major advantage you have as a business owner who manages a Facebook Page on the platform.

To reach success with any ad campaign you consider creating leveraging the tools available the first stage to get that done is the campaign structure.

On the campaign level of your ads, you would be required to set up a campaign structure.

The campaign structure can be said to be the most important aspect of your ad campaign as it would determine the type of ad campaign you would be creating and the results you would end up with.

Therefore one mistake you can make with your Facebook ads is wrongly setting up your campaign structure.

A wrong campaign structure would definitely get you the wrong results.

So how can setup your campaign structure for the best results?

Firstly, you would be required to dictate two major things.

1. The Buying Type for your Ad Campaign.

2. The Objectives for your Ad Campaign.

The Buying Type for your Ad Campaign involves how you desire your ads to run while your ad budget is been spent on an active ad. There are 3 major buying types for any ad campaign. Auction, Reach and Frequency and Target rating point (TRP).

Based on Facebook recommendations and also on personal experience, it is recommended that you go for the auction buying type as it gives you more flexibility on your objectives and results you would generate.

For the reach and frequency, you get to state regardless of what happens how much you are willing to pay per each result you get and the Facebook system that dictates how much reach you get per ad spent is forced not to spend above that. No much flexibility for the system so this is not too advised!

A little tip on how the auction works.

Just like a real time auction ceremony, if you have not been to one, at least you should have seen it in movies where different persons compete based on price for a particular article either an art work or a painting e.t.c.


I will pay N2, I will pay N4..I will pay N10 and every other person goes “ohhh” and they give up but one “I will surprise you guy” at the back just says I will pay N30 and everyone just FEM!
Hope you get the picture now?


Exactly but here on Facebook, you are doing the same with your daily budget or lifetime budget for the attention and actions of your target audience based on the market conditions at the time you place your ads.

While there are a lot more attached to all these buying types, let’s get to the most important part of campaign level.

The Objectives is where you get to answer the question of “what exactly do you want to achieve with this ad campaign”

With the available objectives you can decide the type of ad you would like to create which would determine the results you would end up with hence know the goal you want to achieve with that ad campaign.

The objectives are divided into 3 major sections.

- Awareness.
- Consideration.
- Conversion.

The available objectives on the awareness section (Reach and Brand Awareness) does exactly what the name implies which is to help you either reach more people or get more people to know your business or brand.

With this objective you can get to drive more eyeballs to your business and brand on the Facebook space.

The available objectives on the consideration stage help you do the job of starting a conversation with your target audience, either getting them to engage with your post, join your audience community, drive them to somewhere outside Facebook to read something that would get them to take a particular action apart from a direct sale, watch your video, download your app, get in as a lead by giving to you their contact details or send you a message on messenger or Whatsapp.

The consideration stage helps your audience get started on a conversation of some sort with your business or brand.

The objectives on the conversion section helps you get the sale or take a more compelling action than just engaging or starting a conversation.

While all these objectives are available to you, I must let you know you are not directed to use them in a particular way…a lot of testing is allowed alongside the major fact that “Your goal as a business rules”.

Just some few things you need to know as a business about the Facebook ads campaign level.

Let me know in the comments the one or two things you learnt from this!

Got questions? Drop them in the comments below and let’s get them sorted!

Don’t forget to also save this post so you can come back to it when you need it most.

One more!

Tag a friend, you might save them from a very costly mistake.

To your Continued Digital Fulfillment.





Written by Thesocialmediaguy

We help online business owners become fulfilled online using social media.

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