2 min readJun 29, 2021


Some days ago I was on a call with a group of business owners discussing what they do with their business and how we can contribute to the growth of their business.

Then we dropped in on the point of how they have been leveraging social media and I dropped the question: How is your Facebook page contributing to your business growth?

That same question stands before you today.

How is your Facebook Page contributing to your business growth?

Or did you just created the page because every other person has one?

Some even assume their Facebook page to be nothing of real value to their business are you one of those “it is just there?

If there is one thing your Facebook page should always stand to do every day for your business, it is that of getting you into the faces of more strangers and bringing your business customers, revenue, and profit!

I have always said this and would repeat it again until you get it.

Your Facebook Page should be an asset that helps you generate customers, revenue, and profit and not a liability that sucks out your time, energy, and money.

If it is not doing the former today but the latter, you need to take the first step into getting out of that trap which is to


Learn to see your Facebook page above the waters of just the everyday page on Facebook but an asset that gives you access to one-third of the world today.

Learn to see your Facebook page as the tool capable enough to help you grow your business, increase customers and generate profits every single day.

What happens when you do this?

You learn to take calculated and intentional actions to achieve this on your Facebook page.

You pay attention to how your page is structured which breeds your customers’ perception of you and your business.

You would pay attention to the answer to this question: If any random person visits your page today, would they be convinced enough to engage your business?

The Facebook Page asset mindset helps you break out of the barriers of “it is just a page” and helps you see that you just got yourself a tool that can help you break into the global market because there really are no restrictions to where you can go, who you can serve and from where and to where you can be of service.

How are you leveraging your Facebook page to grow your business today?

Let’s talk in the comments.





We help online business owners become fulfilled online using social media.